Suppose, a bullet is shot from the gun, similarly an arrow is shot from the bow does the arrow or bullet comes back, nay it goes forward and forward only but there is a backward process as well that’s the trigger of the gun and the string of the bow.
Same wise in life we all may face some difficulties, which make us not to go forward, these difficulties are nothing but similar the trigger of the gun or the string of the bow, these r the catalyst which makes the bullet or the arrow to go forward. Same way the difficulties, which we face, are the catalyst for us to go forward towards our goal.
So don’t backup to face up difficulties, face them with chest up and surly we are the winner and these difficulties will go back like the trigger of a gun or string of the bow, and we go forward towards our goal.
Tirutupayale, from where did u took all this blogs from. Write on ur own da.
Good one da vaas, keep it up!!
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